

WA has some of the finest wildflowers in the world. They are more striking because of the harsh environment in which they grow. Some years are much better than others, and this is dependent on rainfall occurring in the right months. Even after travelling this area for decades, the first time I really saw these flowers was in 2011, and the view was literally breathtaking. It was impossible to capture the images on camera.


East of Perenjori in the Yalgoo shire


Trip Report 

This year tried to start our trip on the Rabbit Proof Fence Road just north of Wubin, but after 10km we found that farm country has resumed this section of the track. As we had had a lazy start, the day was running out,so to make sure we were in camping country, we made a quick dash to Perenjori where we turned onto the Perenjori Rothsay Road.

We saw a number of dead snakes on the road and one large live one making its way across the bitumen. It survived two of us driving past but made a sudden dash to safety, but straight under the wheels of our third vehicle. Having seen so many snakes, we were more aware of our foot steps after this.

We made the old state farm ruins at late afternoon and set up camp under a few trees in a clear area. We let off a couple of rockets while there for a bit of fun. The day had been pleasantly warm, and there were a lot of flies until sunset.

That night was pretty cool. The next morning we explored the ruins for a while, and it is sad to see that vandals are continuing to damage the very thing that brings them out here.

We stopped at the old sandalwood cutters shack, where we could see that there was water in the channel that run off from the rock has caused, but the area was bare of much growth, unlike in 2011. There was an old fridge near the shack, and dickheads have carefully placed their rubbish here, full well knowing that there is no rubbish collection (yeah I get on my high horse but, bugger me dead, what is it with dumbshits and leaving their shit behind for others to clean up. If you take it in, then bloody well bring it out).

From there we drove to Forrest's lookout, and had a terrific 360o view. In 2001 every bare patch that we could see from this lookout was covered in a variety of colours, but this year, it was just red dirt.

We drove to Rothsay, but now the old town and mine sites were out of bounds due to mining. We spent some time walking around the cemetery and other areas not impacted by mining leases. The cemetery clearly has one grave which is marked by a large headstone, but we could not really find any more than a grave each side. It seems as though someone has buried something else in the cemetery. Whilst walking further into the cemetery reserve we stumbled upon a pile of stones that was marked by a small cross, it is hard to know whether this is one of the known burials in the cemetery or one of the other burials that occurred in the region. It is the size of an adult grave.

We then camped that night in the area shown as an old brick mill, where it was pretty windy in the evening and cold again at night. How they made bricks is beyond us. It is basically a gravel pit and there is no evidence we could find of a kiln.

We moved on in the morning and still, we saw only a limited number of wildflowers. We stopped at the old Warrierdar Battery and walked around. We then visited the old Warrierdar Station site, where very little remains.

Our next destination was to be Field's Find, and this time we did a different route in and found two abandonned mine-sites. One of these had a lot of infrastructure remaining, including 4 dongas and kitchen area, a shed with chemicals, the old mill and winder shaft. It is disturbing that no rehabilitation has occurred, though I suspect the mines department accepted and the retained the bond paid by the mining company. What is really concerning are the drums of Sodium Cyanide left in the shed.

We arrived at Field's Find and set up camp. The dog was disturbed by the braying of the goats and he found a very big bungarra that looked like it had just eaten a massive meal. We chased it away so we did not have to worry about it trying to run up our legs. During the night we had some clouds come over and a couple of brief showers. The following day we spent camped there while we walked all around, looking for old relics. I found a piece of an old tea cup with an image of King George (or Edward, or some king), which was quite striking. The rest of the cup was no where to be seen. We also found the shattered remains of an old earthenware kettle, and the fragments had some very intricate writing on them. Too bad it was smashed.

The next day was our last day and we headed back to the Great Northern Highway via Yeoh Hills. This is an interesting place and if it wasn't for the small trees there, you could well think it was the moon. There were a lot of goats here and the bucks had some very big horns!

Then it was back to the big smoke and work.

Places to See

Damerwa state farm ruins, Sandalwood cutter's shack, Forrest Lookout, Rothsay Cemetery, Warrierdar mining area, Field's Find, Yeoh Hills

Degree of Difficulty 

I rate this as easy. 4WD not really needed unless it has rained.
But after Perenjori there are no services.


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