Rothsay Cemetery
and environs

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Name Date of Death Other Information

Rothsay Cemetery

Chopin, Alfred Cecil
Born 26/8/1874. He was aged 23 years. His father (Alfred Kirk Chopin) was sent to WA as a convict, but was found to be wrongly accused and received a free pardon on 23/2/1869. The headstone is quite large at 2m high and is the only headstone in the cemetery.

McLoughlin, William
He was 30 years old and died from falling down a mine shaft.

Mason, John Daley
Aged 68 years. He died at the Rothsay Hotel from diarrhoea.

Purchase, Charles
Aged 59. He was a miner who died from Miner's Complaint.

Rothsay Environs

around 1/2/1904
He was buried where found between Ninghan Station and Rothsay. He was found about 6 days after dying of thirst.

Didcote, James
Aged about 47 years and is buried near White Wells.

Esbenson, Rowan Emil Rothsay
Aged 4 months and died from diarrhoea.

Hall, Thomas
Aged about 42. He died about 17 miles from Rothsay and is buried at Damperwa. He was a shepherd and died from dysentery after a 3 week illness.

The cemetery at Rothsay is marked by a small sign. The only headstone (Chopin's) is quite large. A couple of graves appear to have stones around them and their seems to be disturbed earth in the spaces which might be unmarked graves. There is also another grave but I suspect this is someone's much loved dog as it was only 14 years and is a modern burial.


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