Images (our photos)

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I am uploading some of the videos we have made. I have included these on a Youtube channel. These are from some of our own personal movies.

Click here for online movies

You can now see the images below by clicking and going to our Flickr account.

Lonely Graves in Remote WA 2007_0910_145523 A sad reminder of those gone before. There are no words to describe the Wittenoom tragedy. I count myself as fortunate to have seen this place before it finally died. I visited many times for work with the Commonwealth Government and enjoyed thos trips immensely. I have revisited several times over the years and watched the sad decay. Yet I cannot reconcile the huge human loss caused by the asbestos. Wittenoom is one of my top 5 places to visit, but it also one of my five places to avoid.

Norseman Images rotunda opening Pictures from around Norseman and the Shire of Dundas
Old Buildings DSCF4850 Pictures of old buildings in the WA bush that have been abandonned
Woodlines East of Norseman 2005_0108Image0017 This remarkable area north east of Norseman was where hundreds of kilometres of old railway lines once existed. Now, only the sleepers remain, along with the ruins of dozens of old campsites. Definitely worth a visit.
Corunna Donws Airforce Base IMG_0055  The old and secret WWII airforce base just south of Marble Bar
Frank Hann Trees 2. Boab near Hann River Photos of trees blazed by Frank Hann. These images were provide to me by Ian Elliot and are an important record of this historic explorer, who is largely unknown, but responsible for naming many features in WA.
4WD Fun? DSCF6737 Getting dirty in the 4WD
Wittenoom IMG_0002 Various photos of the Wittenoom area.
Old Marble Bar Railway 2008_1008marblebartrip0053 The remnants of the old railway between Port Hedland and Marble Bar. Basically damaged beyond economical repair during World War 2 and unable to be funded by a cash strapped State.

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