Siberia Cemetery

Lonely Graves Main Page

The Siberia Cemetery was  known as the Waverley Cemetery until the 1920s. I have included few people who perished around the Siberia area. The rush to Siberia resulted in an unknown number of men dying from dehydration. Their bodies will likely never be found.

I have recorded a few names that appear in my books, but have no detailed information attached. 

Name Date of Death Other Information
Anderson, James
July 1895
He was a miner and speared to death.
Bengston, Nils 14/6/1919 Aged 68. He was a prospector.
Betts, David Walter
Aged about 50. He was a miner who died from exposure.
Betts, W   No further details, this may be a confusion with the person above.
Byrne, Andrew
A miner who died of heart disease.
Byrne, W   No further details, this may be a confusion with the person above.
Dawson, James Leopold
Aged about 27. He was miner who died from taking cyanide poisoning.
Dillon, J
Aged 76. Died from senile decay.
Dawson, W
No further details
Graves, William Rubin
Aged 71.
Johnson, Charles February 1894 Buried at Siberia II
Johnson Julium/Julius 8/3/1894 Buried on the track to Siberia.
Kirkham, John 4/4/1920 Aged 61. He was a dryblower. Other records show that a Kirkham ran the hotel.
Kirkham   Infant. No other details, possibly a child of the above.
Lee, Thomas alias Thistleton found 21/1/1915  Aged about 56. He was a prospector and died from the heat.
McHugh, James April 1896 Aged between 45 and 50. He is buried where his body was found 14 miles north east of Siberia. He died a slow and agonising death from thirst.
McCormick, D   No further details.
Miller, Donald B 12/12/1896 Aged 45. He died from an inflammation of the bowel.
Reed, William 19/19/1901 Aged 66. He was a miner and died from a bad cold and asthma.
Strelbel, Bernhard 18/6/1894 Aged 70. He is buried at Little Siberia and died from dysentery.
Taylor, Ann Smith 5/3/1899 Aged 40. She died at Mexico Gold Mine and is buried on that lease. She died from Jaundice.

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