Peak Hill Cemetery
Name | Date of Death | Other Information |
Barrett, John E | 6/2/1616 | 49y. A doctor |
Dunbar, Henry |
1/5/1909 |
32y. |
Fitzpatrick, Peter | 20/4/1902 | 62y. |
Francisco, Alexander
Auderon |
28/3/1908 |
39y. Born 2/3/1869 |
Gannaway, Florence Amelia | ? | 16y. |
Kearney, Robert Lovell |
2/7/1918 |
66y. Born 20/1/1852 |
McKanna, James |
10/2/1900 |
40y. Husband of Mary |
Purcell, Peter |
31/1/1926 |
49y |
Wyatt, Walter | 27/4/199 | 34y. Husband of Kate |
Name | Date of Death | Other Information |
Byrne, John | July 1917 | Apparently comitted suicide at his camp between Peak Hill and Meekatharra. |
Elliot, Robert | between 24/11/1902 and 1/12/1902 | 35y. Found in a creek 8 miles south of Peak Hill and was buried where he was found. |
Gardiner, William Robert | about 20/12/1942 | 64y. A prospector who died of natural causes and was buried on Christmas Day. |
Hahn, Frederick | 20/11/1903 | 41y. Drowned. Buried at Coodewa Pool 25 miles north east of Peak Hill. |
Hanson, Paul | 13/3/1940 | 42y. Died about 75 miles north of Peak Hill on the road to Marble Bar. He was buried where he died. |
Hopkinson, Paul | about 12/10/1898 | Died and buried where he was found north of Peak Hill. He was a prospector who died from excessive use of alcohol. |
Orth, Karl | December 1930 | 47y. He was a kangaroo hunter and died and was buried where found about 38 miles east of Peak Hill. He was found ain Jume 1932 and buried 29/7/1932 near a boundary fence. |
Ward | February 1989 | 30y. He died of thirst after becoming lost and his body was found at Garveyard Creek. He was buried where found. |
West, Paul | between 9/8/1903 and 19/8/1903 | 45 to 50y. He was a wood cutter who died froma bullet wound to the heaert. He was found at his camp about 9 miles south west of peak hill, and buried there. |