Peak Hill Cemetery

Lonely Graves Main Page

Graves in the Peak Hill Cemetery

Name Date of Death Other Information
Barrett, John E 6/2/1616 49y. A doctor
Dunbar, Henry
Fitzpatrick, Peter 20/4/1902 62y.
Francisco, Alexander Auderon
39y. Born 2/3/1869
Gannaway, Florence Amelia ? 16y.
Kearney, Robert Lovell
66y. Born 20/1/1852
McKanna, James
40y. Husband of Mary
Purcell, Peter
Wyatt, Walter 27/4/199 34y. Husband of Kate

Lonely graves in the Peak Hill area

Name Date of Death Other Information
Byrne, John July 1917 Apparently comitted suicide at his camp between Peak Hill and Meekatharra.
Elliot, Robert between 24/11/1902 and 1/12/1902 35y. Found in a creek 8 miles south of Peak Hill and was buried where he was found.
Gardiner, William Robert about 20/12/1942 64y. A prospector who died of natural causes and was buried on Christmas Day.
Hahn, Frederick 20/11/1903 41y. Drowned. Buried at Coodewa Pool 25 miles north east of Peak Hill.
Hanson, Paul 13/3/1940 42y. Died about 75 miles north of Peak Hill on the road to Marble Bar. He was buried where he died.
Hopkinson, Paul about 12/10/1898 Died and buried where he was found north of Peak Hill. He was a prospector who died from excessive use of alcohol.
Orth, Karl December 1930 47y. He was a kangaroo hunter and died and was buried where found about 38 miles east of Peak Hill. He was found ain Jume 1932 and  buried 29/7/1932 near a boundary fence.
Ward February 1989 30y. He died of thirst after becoming lost and his body was found at Garveyard Creek. He was buried where found.
West, Paul between 9/8/1903 and 19/8/1903 45 to 50y. He was a wood cutter who died froma bullet wound to the heaert. He was found at his camp about 9 miles south west of peak hill, and buried there.


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