Condon Cemetery

Lonely Graves Main Page

Condon cemetery is located between the old Condon wharf area and the remains of the telegraph station. It is on a side track heading over the dunes and in a small dunal valley. The are only three obvious graves, and only one headstone.

Research documents indicate that a child is buried at Condon, however, as the list below shows, there are no children.

The only headstone shows the man Tracy Powles to be younger than research documents by 10 years.

Name Date of Death Other Information
Bell, Alfred 16/5/1896 A miner who died of typhoid
Box, George 9/8/1887 25 years old. Died at Condon depot and presumed buried at Condon Cemetery. He was a bullock driver and was working for the contractors on the telegraph line.
Cain, John William 21/2/1908 21 years old. Died at the Royal Hotel in Condon. He was a labourer and died from heart failure.
Hedley, Ellen 15/1/1907 She was 43 years old and died from "Bright's Disease" at Condon. She was the hotel keeper.
Ireland, Thomas 21/6/1901 About 40 years old. He died from peritonitis at De Grey outstation about 7 miles from Condon. He was an accountant.
McKeever, Patrick 21/3/1901 About 35 years old. He was a telegraph operator at Condon and died at the telegraph station at Condon.
Molloy, Michael 16/7/1907 About 50 years old. Died at Condon and he was a labourer.
Osune, Doey 13/1/1899 22 years old. Died in Edgar St Condon (Shellborough) during childbirth.
Petersen, Emil 14/9/1898 27 years old. He was a Swedish sailor and died of consumption and syphillis at Condon.
Powles, Tracy Peter 16/11/1893 Aged 46 (the headstone actually says 36.) He died of dysentery and was a carrier. This is the only headstone.
Spring, John Barclay 25/12/1906 36 years old. He was a pearler who died from throat cancer.


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