Balla Balla Cemetery

Lonely Graves Main Page

Balla Balla Cemetery is located on the track to Balla Balla on a small hill prior to going down onto a mud flat. It is about 18km from Whim Creek. Some of those buried here drowned at sea during a cylcone on the way to Perth when the Crown of England went down. They were witnesses to a murder at Whim Creek. The murder victim is buried at Whim Creek. There is only one gravestone at the cemetery.

Name Date of Death Other Information
Andriasen, CP 22/3/1912 56y. Sailor on Crown of England which went down during a cyclone.
Boloe, H 14/4/1914 20y.  Asailor who died aboard the schooner Merlin off Depuch Island.
Gron, H 22/3/1912 17y. A cabin boy on the Crown of England.
Hammand, JH 11/1/1898 53y. A labourer who drwoned accidentally at Balla Balla.
Harris, W 10/10/1912 30y. A fireman died from a back injury.
Hill, TJ 22/3/1912 33y. Only headstone.
McHenry VJ 26/11/1901 33y. Died at the Balla Balla hotel. He was an accountant and died from heart failure.
Maginius, EP 22/3/1912 36y. He was a wharfinger.
Pitsikas, J 22/3/1912 23y. A sailor on board the Crown of England.

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